HeliAttack Wiki
HeliAttack Wiki

These stats were reverse engineered from the Heli Attack 2 swf file. Feel free to add some neat graphs and stuff on these statistics.


Heli Attack 2 Gun Statistics[]

Weapon Damage Bullet Speed (Higher is Faster) Reload Time (Every n Frames Per Second)
MachineGun 10 8 5
AkimboMac10's 9 8 4
Shotgun 15 8 25
ShotgunRockets 40 7 40
GrenadeLauncher 75 15 30
RPG 75 4 40
RocketLauncher 100 7 50
SeekerLauncher 100 7 55
FlameThrower 2 8 1
FireMines 5 3 100
A-BombLauncher 300 3 150
RailGun 150 20 75
GrappleCannon 300 20 250
ShoulderCannon 300 20 100

Things to note:
Everything is pretty balanced
ShoulderCannon is obtainable by entering PredatorMode (powerup)
AkimboMac10's are actually more powerful than the FlameThrower
GrenadeLauncher and RPG make a good combination, as with RocketLauncher and SeekerLauncher
ShoulderCannon is the most powerful insta-kill weapon (For every 3 ShoulderCannon shots, only 2 A-BombLauncher shots have been fired).
RailGun and A-BombLauncher are equivalent in terms of rate of killing (every 2 RailGun shots, which brings down 1 heli, is equivalent to 1 A-BombLauncher shot).

Other things I discovered:

Health packs drop every n=n*2 helis, helis always have 300 health, normal gun does 10 damage (I could list off the others but there are too many for this tiny box), flamethrower has a reload time of 1 (normal gun, 5), reload time for A-Bomb Launcher is 150, and the longest reload time? Grappling gun with 250. Another neat fact is railgun and grappling gun move at the same speed : )

Powerups appear every 3rd heli destroyed

You only have 3% chance of getting a 'random weapon' powerup (the powerup that is visually cycling through all the power ups)

If you perform a killing blow on a heli during a superjump, you are guaranteed to get a random weapon (Which is awarded directly, not through a box)


As levels go up, the heli's accuracy increases, but nothing else.